


813 members

Create purpose-driven builds with 8th Wall Community Challenges!

Upcoming events

5 ago 2024

External Ticketing

Create & Play Developer Challenge

Join us for the first-ever Niantic Studio challenge: Create & Play! From August 5 to September 30, we invite our developer community to unleash their creativity and build innovative WebXR games using Niantic Studio.

6 ago 2024

Virtual Event

Info + Ideation: Play & Create Developer Challenge

Join us for Info + Ideation: Play & Create Challenge! Pablo De La Hoya will cover all challenge details, including requirements and judging criteria. Amanda Whitt will showcase the power of Niantic Studio for building 3D and AR games. Plus, participate in an ideation session to brainstorm and develop initial game ideas together.

13 ago 2024

Virtual Event

Niantic Studio Workshop: Game Mechanics Basics

Join us for the Niantic Studio Workshop: Game Mechanic Basics, led by Jameka March. Learn how to add new game mechanics to an existing sample project and enhance your game development skills using Niantic Studio. Perfect for developers looking to expand their toolkit and create more dynamic WebXR or 3D games.

20 ago 2024

Virtual Event

Behind the Build: Creating Dragon Dash in Niantic Studio

Join us for Behind the Build: Creating Dragon Dash in Niantic Studio, where Declan Johnson will walk you through how he used Niantic Studio to create the game Dragon Dash. Gain insights into his development process and learn how to harness the power of Niantic Studio for your projects.

Past events

Virtual Event

Celebration & Showcase: Explore Together Challenge

Virtual Event

Coffee Chat: Explore Together Challenge

Virtual Event

Niantic AR Workshop: Mastering Location-Based AR with VPS

Virtual Event

Info + Ideation Explore Together: Location-Based AR Challenge

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