8Talks: Overcoming Common WebAR Development Challenges

Sep 19, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

8th Wall Events

Join our Developer Support Team for a walkthrough and explanation of some of the major challenges faced while developing WebAR experiences.


About this event

This month we have an awesome event being hosted by our amazing Developer Support Team, Tony Tomarchio, Ian Curtis, and Evan Carlson. They will walk you through best practices for developing using assets and animations, VPS elements like identifying a good Wayspot and a bad one, Image Targets, and Publishing your experiences! 

Submit your questions for the Q+A here: https://forms.gle/V1TBciFUbgbaXUVQA


  • Evan Carlson

    8th Wall

    Support Engineer

  • Ian Curtis

    8th Wall

    Support Engineer

  • Tony Tomarchio

    8th Wall

    Senior Engineering Manager


  • Pablo De La Hoya

    8th Wall

    Community Manager

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